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The lesson of sanctification

Writer: Fayt BéatriceFayt Béatrice

Seek peace with all, and sanctification (Hagiazo) without which no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one escapes the grace of God; let no bitter root grow up to cause trouble and thus infect the community(Heb12.14-15). Good, but what is sanctification?

Before that let us recall certain truths; when someone has covid or the flu, it is essential to avoid the spread, so we put responsibility on the sick person; as you are sick, don’t infect others, stay away! The second thing is that this verse is found in the chapter “ENDURANCE UNDER TRIAL”. The paragraph is also entitled “Fidelity in the Christian vocation”. Just the title speaks for itself 😊

I don’t know about you but for me, I was never sure of reaching the “standards” of sanctification; moreover the term seemed vague to me; capable of accommodating a multitude of definitions. I saw people who, according to my criteria, could be “sanctified” and therefore welcomed by God. I had the heavy feeling of never getting there. I always had "things" to sort out with myself and therefore, since I had so many problems, even if I did my best (but failed) I was necessarily "out of the race" well, despite everything , I clung to His Grace, but I was truly miserable…

Let us now look at the definition of sanctification. The term “sanctify” in Greek is “Hagiazo” and in Hebrew; “Qadash.” Qadash is found 152 times and especially in Exodus and Leviticus where God gives his prescriptions and his laws. One of the verses often used is;“You shall sanctify yourselves (Qadash) and be holy, for I am the LORD your God” (Lev20.7) to “bring” people to sanctification.

What is surprising are the verses of Deuteronomy 29.15-20. The Word says this; (I paraphrase) Remember the land of Egypt and all the nations through which you passed, you saw the idols in the midst of those nations! Let there be none of this in you, and let not your heart turn away from the Lord your God, and let there be no root of any plant that produces poison or wormwood (v17) and that he who BELIEVES HIMSELF BLESSED (v18) and who says; “I am fulfilled, because I stubbornly followed my ideas…” will see the Lord not forgive him, He will erase his name from under heaven, and will set him SEPARATED for his MISFORTUNE. When we reread the verse above (Heb12.14-15) and this one, it’s strong, isn’t it?
In Greek, “Hagiazo”; is found in 25 verses in the New Testament. If we make a similarity with a verse from John (17.17) and Deuteronomy we understand sanctification better. “Sanctify (Hagiazo) them by Your truth: Your word is the truth.” Also the apostle Paul says this: And I sanctify (Hagiazo) myself for them, that they also may be sanctified (Hagiazo) by the truth (Jn17.19).

Now to arrive at a full understanding, Reisdorf-Reece, Biblical Encyclopedia; “ACTION of sanctifying oneself, EFFECT of that which sanctifies. Set apart for sacred use. The “redeemed” are sanctified as to their POSITION in Christ as soon as they believe, 1 Cor 1.2; 2 phil1.1; Heb3.1; 10.9-10. As for PRACTICE, the Christian sanctifies himself by submitting to the action of the Holy Spirit and obeying the Word of Truth (Jn17.17; 2Co3.18; Eph5.25-26; 1Thes5.23-24) This work will only be perfect when the Lord reveals himself in glory (Eph5.27; 1 Jn3.2; 2Chr29.17).

Well, I think sanctification is much clearer!

LET’S RESUME; He who is sanctified is he who is “set apart,” “consecrated” for God. Sanctification has a POSITION (in Christ) and an ACTION (practice). The “sanctified” is not perfect, but will be when the Lord reveals His glory. In practice, he “sanctifies” himself for God and others. It is HIS RESPONSIBILITY, that means he must make a DECISION every day (Deut30.15). We see that the Lord warns not to let one's heart be "trained" by idols and that this bitterness is dangerous; it is produced by the desire to have something which is not God's will, but ours. Wanting to achieve it is possible, but by YOUR OWN strength. In this case unfortunately, you believe you are “blessed” without being so, since in the end, you are “erased” by God.

It is not possible to return, if you persist in following YOUR own ways and “playing” with God. Of course in sanctification there is room for error; provided that there is no “abandonment”, but endurance in the ordeal; we fall, we get up, we do not “obstinate” and we recognize the harm we do. Sanctification occurs because we are united with Christ, not by our works, but our works demonstrate that we are united with Christ! How to be sanctified? By having POSITION in Christ (giving your life to Him) and submitting to THE ACTION of the Holy Spirit and obeying the Word of Truth, which must be read regularly, of course. Failure to take HIS “POSITION” and “ACTION” (by returning and reading the Word), puts us in danger, and others too (Heb12.14-15).

PRAY: Lord, thank you for sanctification, because it will lead me to be perfect with You, when You reveal Your glory! I fall often and I know it's my fault, I apologize! Help me every day to realize my POSITION in You, so that my life reflects it and help me to take the necessary ACTION and DECISION! I ask you for forgiveness or all the times, I had diminished and or I no longer wanted to take Your Word of truth which was the only one that could bring me back to You. This way, I didn't realize that I was putting myself and others around me in danger! Jesus, I want to be consecrated, set apart for You, come and help me in my walk and in my sanctification!


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