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The lesson of the orchid

Writer: Fayt BéatriceFayt Béatrice


One day I was lucky enough to receive a magnificent orchid. Instead of just rejoicing in this gift, I asked myself “why Lord, are you giving me an orchid?” You know very well what happened with my goldfish” (that’s another story…)

Well, finally I answer the question by telling myself that perhaps the message “hidden” wants me to take care of this magnificent plant as best I can, which is, according to a certain botanist, “easy to care for” (like goldfish…)

Time passes, the flowers fall, I panic. Why don't the flowers grow back? What is my mistake? My sin ? I water them a little more, of course they are thirsty (no, not like goldfish). The plant is dying, yet I make a “excess” maintenance, others would call it excess zeal… I cut, carefully wash the leaves, water my plant, place it in a place that I think is “more comfortable”. And then one day, a plant doctor, comes to visit me and sees the pitiful state of it, I'm ashamed, but I don't show it. Diagnostic ; She is dead. Lord, yet I prayed, I gave everything (and more) what was needed and this is the result!

Time still passes, the guilt sometimes eats away at me from time to time, but I have made up my mind; I don't know how to take care of plants or goldfish. I concluded that God wanted me to understand this, I am simply not capable of serving him, for me despite all my efforts I am not succeeding, "let it go", a little voice shouts in my head!

Time continues to pass... And then one day, when I have “past the event” one of my sons brings me a gift, I put it right on target; an orchid! Aaaaah no Lord, I refuse this plant!!! In short, I sulk, like Jonas... I barely look at this plant, I don't water it, or once when I think about it. From the beginning, I said to my God; This plant is for You Jesus, that You alone take care of it, I don't want to take care of an orchid anymore!

And then, there you have it, today it is all in bloom (see the photo). I admit that I didn't do anything! To you all the honor Lord.

Ok, you're probably wondering where I'm going with this?

Sometimes, when we try to do EVERYTHING on our own, we overdo it and the result is more than doubtful. When we put the things we do in the hands of God, He knows what to do with them! I'm not saying that we shouldn't do anything...I'm saying that God should be the first to take care of our affairs and that some things can't be done entirely by us (in my case, I always feel too much responsibility of all). 

If there is nothing despite our work, it is because the time is not there yet. May God take charge of our lives first, let us plant and abandon everything to His time and His Lordship, He will make it grow!

*Photo from Pixabay by Majacvetojevic

Lesson from the story: “I planted. Apollos watered, but God gave the increase, so that it is not he who plants who is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase” (1 Cor 3:6) J



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